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TI and Tiny Tried to pay off Victims

#TI and #Tiny Headed for More Trouble.. new victims Lawyer Declined Pay off

Always in #Troubleman
Parties that last for days and endless party supplies drinks and hanging out with famous people can be cool till things go left …Sure TI makes good music but now the same music and hustle has got you in trouble his name is troubleman.

*Big things poppin song he said he would bring a groupie back for him…his team but hey at the time he weas a single man so it doesnt matter what he said back then now the powers that be say times up and the rapper and his wife are being shaked down.

*TI accused of abuse with Tiny I think he has hit her in the past controlling of her.

*Ti and Tiny may have had an agreement.

*In the past he said after he was caught on social media leak of a chic sitting on his lap.

*TI said “This is us this us what we do and he said this is why he hates social media.

*TI may be targeted according to night and day networks latest post with Jaguar Wright and Tokyo Toni duo we kinda like them together either way we need yall to comment and let us know is it possible he is being targeted?

Sabrina claims that feds are involved now…weeks later a Lawyuer is seeking criminal charges its strange how a social media post can do this TI claims the claims are all egrecious

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