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Kanye West- Sunday CHURCH Service EXPOSED It’s Not What You Think …..

Kanye West has a Sunday service expozed and it happens to be located in Bethlehem California now you know your boy Ye had to make it happen with this clothing line and he has his daughter North West in the choir.

It’s not what you think see our broadcast to see what happened…kanye sunday service jesus walks coachella was epic many want him to stop talking and start rappen again but maybe he needed time to grieve.

Now it is not open to the public it seems to be a spiritual gathering as they attendees say What is Kanye planning now to make himself Yeezus or maybe this is good for him he is grieving his mother in this video i wanted to show you the other side of Kanye’s self therapy….if there is one.

rapper dmx HAS BEEN there Paris Hilton and i’m sure there is more to name is it wrong for him to start a gathering or is it for his own good ?

Kayne has exposed he wants to keep it going SOME THINK IT is a new age church some say it’s not a church at all more like a concert Kanye !

kanye sunday service 12
kanye sunday service 2
kanye sunday service 3/31/19
kanye sunday service 6
kanye sunday service 7
kanye sunday service 9
kanye sunday service amazing
kanye sunday service beat
kanye sunday service coachella
kanye sunday service denzel
kanye sunday service everything we need
kanye sunday service father stretch my hands
kanye sunday service ghost town
kanye sunday service however do you want it
kanye sunday service i wonder
kanye sunday service jesus walks
kanye sunday service katy perry
kanye sunday service lift off

kane sunday service meme
kanye sunday service new song
kanye sunday service otis
kanye sunday service power

kanye sunday service remix
kanye sunday service song


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